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Your search for "*" yielded 123561 hits

Utveckling av urban geodata-infrastruktur

Myndigheter och andra organisationer behöver ofta reagera snabbt på naturkatastrofer, olyckor, miljökriser och säkerhetsfrågor och även att göra fysisk planering som syftar till en hållbar utveckling. Information som behövs för att fatta välgrundade beslut i sådana fall baseras huvudsakligen på geografiska data eller rumslig data, alltså information som refererar till jordytan. Det är en konstant - 2025-01-09

Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap

Bli naturgeograf! En naturgeograf kan arbeta med till exempel naturvård, klimatanpassning, digitala kartor och GIS, samhällsplanering, biståndsarbete och mycket mer. Läs mer om vår utbildning! GIS -ett användbart verktyg GIS används ofta för att visualisera kännetecken i landskapet eller miljön. GIS kan också vara ett verktyg för att analysera data, optimera aktiviteter, utföra riskanalyser och te - 2025-01-09


NGEA21 Kursens innehåll Denna kurs ger dig grundläggande kunskaper om: det globala klimatsystemet klimatvariationer klimatologiska arbets- och analysmetoder samt klimatologiska processer och deras effekter på det globala och lokala klimatet samt inverkan på miljö- och samhällsplanering Du kommer under kursen att få lära dig: global och regional klimatologi vad som orsakar storskaliga skillnader i - 2025-01-09

Praktikkurs - kandidat och masternivå

NGEA52 Den här kursen ger dig möjlighet att göra praktik inom företag, institution eller myndighet. En förutsättning är att det är en organisation som samlar in, bearbetar, eller analyserar material och data från det naturgeografiska ämnesområdet. Praktikarbetet ska omfatta minst 40 arbetsdagar. Kursens innehållSyftet med denna kurs är att ge möjlighet att skaffa erfarenhet från att arbeta med ett - 2025-01-09


EXTA50 OBS: kursen kan endast läsas av LTH-studenter. Den sökes via LTH kursanmälan. Kursens syfte är att ge grundläggande kunskaper om begrepp och metoder inom geodesi, geodetisk mätningsteknik, fotogrammetri och fjärranalys. Den består av fyra kursmoment: koordinatsystem och kartprojektioner mätnings- och beräkningsmetoder satellitmätning (GPS) fjärranalys, fotogrammetri och laserskanning   Kurs - 2025-01-09

How will different distributions of responsibility affect the long-term development of Artificial Intelligence?

Consequences of decisions on AI for safety, democracy and future development  The project is funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation during July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2023. The purpose is to: better understand how different distributions of forward-looking responsibility for the development of AI today will affect the long-term development of AI regarding three criteria: safety; democ - 2025-01-09

Visual International Relations

STVC78 – Visual International Relations (7.5 credits). Bachelor course in Political Science. Spring term. The course will introduce and advance knowledge about the power of visual images in global politics. Central issues to be discussed include analysing various visual aspects (photographs, film, television, art, cartoons, maps, monument, video games, new media, etc) in areas such as war, diploma - 2025-01-09

War and Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Congratulations and welcome to the course FKVB21! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: EU Law

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVP34 Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wil - 2025-01-09

Europe in Global Affairs

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVP37! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: Master's (Two Years) Thesis in European Affairs

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVM23! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wil - 2025-01-09

Power, Politics and the Environment

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVN17! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

War and Peace in a World in Transition

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVN13! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: Fieldwork, Internship and Research Overview

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVB30! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: Minorities and Ethnic-Sectarian Conflict in the Middle East

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVN21! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: Comparative Politics

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVC76! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: Environmental Governance

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVC55! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Political Science: International Relations Theory in Time and Space

Congratulations and welcome to the course STVC62! Welcome to the Political Science Department at Lund University. Please see the information below that you need to know in order to secure our offer. It is important that you read the information thoroughly. Secure your place Do not forget to accept our offer before December 16 midnight (Swedish time)! If you miss to reply by this date, the offer wi - 2025-01-09

Pufendorf Chair

The Samuel Pufendorf Endowed Chair About the Pufendorf ChairSamuel Pufendorf (1632-1694) was a German legal scholar and theologian who was directly appointed to a professorship when Lund University was founded in 1666. He was a pioneer of modern humanism and international law. In 2002, a donation to establish a Pufendorf chair was made jointly by Torsten Söderberg and Ragnar Söderberg Foundations. - 2025-01-09